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Sorry, couldn't play it. Caused browser to go not responding in Chrome and Brave. Black screen after clicking run game in Safari. Those are all the browsers I have installed to try

Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to fix this in the post-jam version.

I really like the attack poses of the boss. 

Gameplaywise, for me it lacked challange after short while. Number of enemies maybe could increase, or those visible 'ticks' could become shorter the longer u play. 

Both of these happen, but you're still right, since it takes a while. I'll definitely increase how fast it ramps up.

Really fun game! Huge plot twist at the end with "Error
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)"

(1 edit)

Yeah I got that error while uploading it too. I thought I'd fixed it; the solution I found on the web was to enable SharedArrayBuffer support on the page. But even says "(Experimental) This may break parts of the page or your project. Only enable if you know you need it." So sadly I think this is just the cost of using Godot 4.0 on the web for now. I might be able to improve it when the jam's over by changing some headers. Next time I'll probably stick with 3.0 instead.

Edit: If you want you could try changing browsers.  I mean you don't have to, but I'd appreciate it so that I can let other people know in the description. It works in Firefox on my computer if that helps.

didn't work for me on chrome, but it did work on edge, no audio tho

Yeah I ended up prioritizing sleep over audio. Next time I might just pull the all-nighter. But thanks for letting me know about the browsers supported :)