A downloadable game

Made for the Weekly Game Jam 56

Keep up with your rival! Stay at their level, then grab a speed booster to push them to the bottom of the screen! The racing game that gets faster and faster until somebody is left behind!

Player 1: Use WASD

Player 2: Use Arrow Keys

Author's Note (for whomever it may concern): At the moment, I've completed the game with everything but the kitchen sink. And the music. But in all seriousness, this was originally intended as a single player puzzle game, but when I realized that wouldn't be done on time, I panicked and rebooted the concept. Only had time to playtest it by myself (which isn't exactly ideal), so I'd be happy if somebody could play with a friend and let me know if it's any fun. Thank you for visiting, have a good day or night.


ProjectFollow02.exe 14 MB
ProjectFollow02.zip 1.9 MB

Development log


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Hey LittleFieryOne

I just finished playing your game! :D 

I would get rid of the pulsing yellow for the countdown and the bottom bar. It is extremely bright and bad for your eyes & if someone is prone to seizures, this game might be a problem for them. Regardless, I think you should put a warning on this game to be safe and considerate. 

I like the idea of the race between the two ghosts. I think we need to add some things to slow down the racers. That way they aren't just blindly going back and forth just trying to catch the next power up. That would force them to pay more attention to what they are picking up.

Good job! Keep up the good work! 


(1 edit)

I almost had a heart attack because I thought you were actually my brother :)

But seriously, thanks for letting me know. I'll soften it up, though I'd like to keep it somewhat striking. I will put up that warning, though, considering how many bright colors I used. I'll keep that in mind for the future. 

I also like the idea of a slowdown item. I'll see if I can work out the specifics. Maybe I'll make speed boosters the same color as the player and slowdowns the color of the enemy player so they can be distinguished on a moments notice.

With thanks,


Quick Edit: As for when this will be done, I can probably finish it all today, if not tomorrow.