Post-Jam Voting Update

I apologize this for coming a little late. My internet had gone out for a couple days (worst timing, I know), and when I booted it up today to finally compile it, I added a couple more touches. Here's a list of all the changes:

- Altered controls: Before, the jumping was unnecessarily stiff. Now, when in the air, you can control which direction you're going the same as would would if you were on the ground, the only difference being that the max speed in the air is slightly reduced.

- Hidden exit: There's now a hidden exit that leads to a message. It shouldn't be too hard to find if you listen closely. I originally intended to have it be an alternate ending, but I have another idea that I'm curious to see what people think of.

- Added another sound effect for later "sequels"

- Adjusted a cloud graphic that was bothering me.

- Fixed text at the end. I'm not sure how long it's had to be fixed since I swear it didn't appear when I originally tested the ending, but if it was, it should be gone now.

That's about it. Hope to get feedback soon. Thank you all for reading.


SuperDuperJumper_int02.exe 17 MB
Sep 01, 2018 4 MB
Sep 01, 2018

Get Super Duper Jumper [int]

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